AWC608 vector backlash and network port crash

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AWC608 vector backlash and network port crash

Post by SWMS »

I'm looking for ideas here.

See the attached image.

I'm making a radiator grill for my father. On LaserCad the vectors are nicely spaced out. When it cuts it seems to drift, I thought it was backlash. Technically it is but wait! This only happens on intricate cuts like this that are being done over and over again. When it finishes the job it doesn't return to exactly the same origin. I'm running this at 15 mm/s

When I've tested it on circles, diagonal lines, vertical and horzontal lines and some very curvy beziers it returns to the same origin.

So I have flats on my steppers, my belts are tensioned too. When I engrave there is no backlash.

So why is it doing it? My only thought is when doing so many of these over and over and changing direction on both x and y axis and because it's not a closed loop system it's losing where it is. Is this a limitation of steppers and the DSP?

Second problem!

If I send a job over the network to my AWC608 it works once. If I send another the network port crashes.

I know this because I can't ping it any more. I have to reset the system. It's almost like the buffer is being overloaded.

It happens on direct network connection to the PC and on the network. It's not the network cable as I've tried several.



Ps apologies for images being upside down. :roll:
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