K40 DSP upgrade layout

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K40 DSP upgrade layout

Post by SpacedCowboy »

So, completely new to laser-cutting, but I've got all my bits from Marco, and I'm starting to upgrade the K40 I bought a few weeks back. This is all in the nature of trying things out at a relatively cheap price before going whole-hog and DIY'ing (well, semi-DIY'ing, Marco'll be getting more business :) I'm an embedded s/w engineer, so not afraid to get my hands dirty :)

Anyway, I've removed all the things in the side-compartment, and my plan is to put a piece of wood on the base, screw that down in the existing holes, and then I can position things easily by just screwing into the wood rather than having to go through metal. The basic plan looks something like:


But I have a question - this pushes the high-tension supply wire that goes to the laser tube up against the metal side of the case. Now it's the standard red insulated cable, so I'm assuming it's designed for this, and is ok, but "trust, but verify" makes me ask: could it arc ? Is there anything else I ought to be aware of before doing this ?

The layout will ultimately looks something like one of the below:

I've see tell of a K40 upgrade-to-the-DSP guide, but it's not obvious from looking around the site, and Marco didn't email me the URL along with the instructions / software etc, so does anyone know where that is ?

Cheers. I get the feeling there'll be more questions later, sorry guys [grin].





... so things will just about fit...

It did occur to me that there's space for a 'double-decker' approach, which would actually mean I could put the K40 PSU close to where it originally was, but it's more effort to do that, and it'd be harder to change anything out, not to mention harder to wire, so unless there's a good reason not to, the single-level approach seems better.
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Re: K40 DSP upgrade layout

Post by Tech_Marco »

Here is the K4p Step by Step guide:

I will move it to another location for better found.
Note that it was done on AWC608 but it share many things with the X7 or E5. All controller are sharing the same software which is the LaserCad, except for R5 DSP

The LaserCad cab be found under Software Download category

Have fun for your K40 project!

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Re: K40 DSP upgrade layout

Post by SpacedCowboy »

Thanks Marco!

Looks as though there's no problem in moving the PSU, either :)

[email protected]
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Re: K40 DSP upgrade layout

Post by [email protected] »

You can also take a look at how I upgraded mine


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Re: K40 DSP upgrade layout

Post by SpacedCowboy »

[email protected] wrote:You can also take a look at how I upgraded mine
Thanks Larry - I like the servo-tape idea :)

I didn't get very far this weekend - the dishwasher broke and somehow the marital unit decided that was more important than the laser cutter. Sheesh! :) The piece of wood I'm going to use as a base-board meant the PSU would no longer fit if it was stood on-edge, so I did manage to route out a slot on the baseboard for it though, in-between visits to Home Depot and Lowes...


I was originally targeting something like ...


... but with the servo-tape idea, it ought to be possible to attach the drivers to the wall as you did, and get me some more space for the DSP mainboard.

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