Upgrade complete, Test duck engraved, can't send from laptop

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Upgrade complete, Test duck engraved, can't send from laptop

Post by blithespirit »

Hello, this may seem a silly question but here goes, got my upgrade kit and installed well, new PSU went in for PMW control and the rest I am glad to say went well, did the usual end stop reversal and slapped my face for stupidity but its gone good.

Powered up and let the test file duck engrave, then realising it had a count of 1000 so stopped it and again impressed.

The problem I have is how do I send my jobs from Lasercad?

I followed the manual and try to start up a job, if the duck file is resident it just prints that not my file, if no file is resident it beeps and asks for a file, I am using Latest Lasercad and want to use the CorelDraw plugin but for now I am pure Lasercad trying to get my cube printed for calibration.

The exact message I get is "To Select The File" on the screen on the LO7 with AWC708C Lite, latest firmware was already on when you sent it so not upgraded nothing as yet, I can connect by USB or Ethernet 100% but same each way, I can communicate with the system, it reads the data in the controller and sends config changes as per manual. Throw the head about the table no problem using laptop but just cannot send a job from my either of my laptops (windows 8.1).

Any help would be appreciated and I can get down to some cutting.

Thank you

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Re: Upgrade complete, Test duck engraved, can't send from la

Post by blithespirit »

I have been digging around all day and found the missing link, use the download button! The manual just shows create a square and hit start.

On to my next issue now in engraving saying it's too big! Off to read the forums!
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Re: Upgrade complete, Test duck engraved, can't send from la

Post by Tech_Marco »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I knew it

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