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Horrible Overshoot

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:46 pm
by kbar
Using the JLD-612 in a brewery. Need to control mash temps to a fized temperature, say 154F. When I finished wiring the system up and testing with a sanitizing solution, the temp rise was great. 50F to 80F at 1F/30seconds, when the PID controller finally went to 100% and not a 50% duty cycle, cycling the SSR.

My issue is that I had horrible overshoot. Shot 10F above the desire 80F (SV). Not acceptable. I know the manual has overshoot directions, but I am looking for some plain english on how to set the P, I and D.

Controlling a 1500W water heater element with mash being circluated in the brewery. Need to hold temps at +/- 1F, 144F to 158F range of temps for the mash. Thanks for your help! Brewing in two days!! Help!

Re: Horrible Overshoot

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:00 am
by richiem
Read the manual on how to use the auto tuning system. It's easy and in your set-up, I think it will run quickly. After that, all should be well.

Re: Horrible Overshoot

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:44 pm
by kbar
Thanks Richiem. Ran the AT this afternoon on the brewery. Started with 125F sanitized solution, set the temp controller for 152F and ran AT. It ran for 25 minutes getting the system to 152F, it shut down the AT by itself, and then it held the desired temp very well. I am pleased. Thanks!

Re: Horrible Overshoot

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:50 am
by Peetem
What are your parameteres?

I'm using two for my brew system - one to control the mash (herms) and one to control my hlt.

I have found two problems - overshoot and the temp controller is horrible inccurate. I had to adjust the hlt controller to add around 30 degrees to the reading (it read ok until about 150 degree F) and 6 degrees to the mash temp reading.


Re: Horrible Overshoot

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:50 am
by Peetem
What are your parameteres?

I'm using two for my brew system - one to control the mash (herms) and one to control my hlt.

I have found two problems - overshoot and the temp controller is horrible inccurate. I had to adjust the hlt controller to add around 30 degrees to the reading (it read ok until about 150 degree F) and 6 degrees to the mash temp reading.
