need your help using cermark

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need your help using cermark

Post by crb »

has anyone used CerMark LMM-6000 ?? need help ... try to use it to etch metal labels for a client... tried watching all youtube videos, they dont help at all... im using a co2 80w laser
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Re: need your help using cermark

Post by DonL »

Stuff works great! Shake well, Spray a very thin coat, if you can see metal reflecting through that is OK as long as the coat is even, Too thick is no good, For stainless Steel like a flask or water bottle, I use 45% power at 100mm/s on a 35 watt tube so you should use about 35% You can go over twice... Wash off and all is good.

There is a power level chart on the cermark website...

What metal are you trying? I found that if you do a lot of the same material, do a pattern first, engravee at differnt power levels then at different speeds to find the best result then note that.

If you are engraving nicle plated copper for example, it disapates heat fast so you need a higher speed with like 70% power

Remeber THIN COAT is better than thick. If the coat is too thick, it will look good until you wash it off then most of the black washes off too because it is embedded in the cermark and not the metal...
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