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Enabling U axis for rotary LO-x7 awc708c

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:44 am
by roguedog
I am having trouble enabling the U axis on the LO-x7 awc708c. I am able to access the U axis on the controller and have it 'reset' which causes it to rotate, but when I go into common parameters to enable the rotary axis my only options are X and Y.

Is there a guide showing what needs to be enabled to have the U axis show as a option for rotary engraving?

Re: Enabling U axis for rotary LO-x7 awc708c

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:06 am
by roguedog
Based on this topic - viewtopic.php?f=88&t=3438 It doesn't look like it is possible. I have it wired to the Y axis currently, and have the existing Y stepper plugged into the Z axis and that allows me to move the laser to the start position I need.

Re: Enabling U axis for rotary LO-x7 awc708c

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:08 pm
by Tech_Marco
From now on, we switched the RayCam to LaserCad.
To enable the rotary, I think it needs to access a special menu: Press Shift & Stop from the LCD screen
I really don't like the way how it setup that some features are accessible from the software while some features have to access through the LCD control panel. The manufacturer always coming weird ideas.
