TB6560 4 Axis Stepper Motor Driver

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TB6560 4 Axis Stepper Motor Driver

Post by bob7890 »

I just purchased a TB6560 Driver from Lightobject, which I would like to drive using an Arduino connecting the digital pins to the Parallel interface on the TB6560

Would I be able to connect the Arduino Mega's output digital pins directly to parallel port, being that (I believe) the on-board TB6560 parallel port pins are opto-isolated?
How would I drive the Enable Pin, leave at 0 V all the time, or does it need special processing for each step?
One last question, the direction pins obviously need to be high or low depending on direction - but how about the step pins, transition from low to high for each step?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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Re: TB6560 4 Axis Stepper Motor Driver

Post by Tech_Marco »


I'm not familiar with Arduino so my advise is limited

FYI, the input or the output from a parallel port is TTL signal. So, as long as the device you have can generate 0 to 4.8V level, it's good to signal the board. The board is level low (0V) to enable. You should download the manuals I posted for reference. Don't care it's 2axis, 3axis, or 4axis. They are have similiar setup except for a few output features like the spindle, or relay. In that, the arrangement could be a little bit different.

For High or Low stepping, again you need to look at the manual. It's all up to the designer to use level high (5V) or level low (0V) for the controlling.

You can run some test by injecting 5V/0V to test the board.

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Re: TB6560 4 Axis Stepper Motor Driver

Post by bob7890 »

Thanks for the information Marco, I believe all the Arduino pins are TTL. Would you be able to verify that all the board's parallel port pins that are used are opto-insulated? (That is, I would be connecting the Arduino to basically an LED with a resistor in series)

Thanks again

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