NEW 4 axis stepper motor driver questions

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NEW 4 axis stepper motor driver questions

Post by hamhog »

I just bought 2 of the 4 axis stepper motor drivers and have downloaded the manual for this driver..
First question:
The manual does not completely match the picture..there is another DB style connector on the board that is
NOT the DB-25 for the parallel port, it has less than 25 pins on it. So what is this port for and what is the pin out?

Second question:
I am using 6 wire steppers, are the 2 extra wires that would normally be connected to main power supply now
not needed and only the 4 wires that are each end of the coils? In other words the center taps are no longer
needed using this type of driver IC?

It would be nice if an updated manual was online rather than the one there now that doesn't match what is being
sold at present.
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Re: NEW 4 axis stepper motor driver questions

Post by Tech_Marco »

Hi Bruce:

Sorry about it. We sold out the red board and the supplier shipped us the blue board instead. For now, leave the DB15 un-used. It's for a pan wheeller. Used the DB25 for March3 or EMC2. The setting is similiar to the red board manual I posted a while ago. The only change the the relay port and the pin14. It's swapped.

You don't need to use the center tap of 6 wires motor. The connection has no difference to a 4 wires motor. Just ignored the center tap.

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Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:07 pm

Re: NEW 4 axis stepper motor driver questions

Post by hamhog »

Thanks for the reply Marco..
Since you shipped me a different 4 axis stepper driver than what was shown online could you please email me the
manual for this "blue" board 4 axis stepper driver?

Oh and what's a "pan wheeller", just curious..

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